Viva Voce

Viva Voce

What is the viva voce?

The viva voce

  • is a short interview between you and your EE supervisor that happens after you have completed your EE

  • takes about 20 - 30  minutes

  • is a celebration of the work you have done

  • is an opportunity to reflect on what you have learnt from the process

Once the viva voce has been completed, you may not make any changes to your EE submission.

More about the Viva Voce By Jenelle Kirchoff 

What is the Viva Voce?

The viva voce is the third and final mandatory reflection session with the student’s supervisor. This interview-style reflection session should last 20-30 minutes. It is a crucial component of the Extended Essay process that occurs shortly after the student has completed and submitted their final EE but BEFORE the grading process occurs.


The term "Viva Voce" translates to "with the living voice," indicating the oral nature of this assessment component. Students and supervisors often ask if this needs to be recorded – it does not.


The viva voce provides an opportunity for the supervisor to confirm the authenticity of the student's work. This final reflection session helps to verify the integrity and authenticity of the student's research while celebrating and discussing the student’s ideas and writing process.

Watch this 5-minute video on the IB Programme Resource Center:

Reflection Process: The Viva Voce

Why is the Viva Voce Important?

Reflection: The viva voce allows students to reflect on their research journey, discussing the challenges they faced, the skills they developed, and the knowledge they gained. This reflection is a key element of the IB's emphasis on the learning process and personal growth.

Closure: The viva voce also serves as a formal conclusion to the Extended Essay project. It allows students to articulate their research experience and prepare for similar research tasks in future academic endeavours. This is a wonderful opportunity for supervisors to help the students connect with the ATL skills they developed during the EE process.

Confirm authenticity: The viva voce is an opportunity for the supervisor to confirm the authenticity of the extended essay. The conversation and discussion that ensue during the viva voce help further confirm that the EE was a product of the student’s ideas and processes. Conversation about the research process helps authenticate the sources and how the student engaged and participated in the research process.

How does a Student Prepare for the Viva Voce?

The RRS can guide the discussion of the viva voce. It may be helpful if the student brings:

  • extracts from their RRS demonstrating their growth gained as a learner throughout the EE process

  • examples of their reflections that occurred during the research and writing process


Focusing on communication and reflection can help the student’s mindset during the viva voce. A student should be open to:

  • sharing the ups and downs of their personal EE journey

  • discussing the ATL skills they have developed and how they are transferable to other subjects  

  • detailing the understanding and growth of knowledge they acquired in their subject matter as a result of the EE.  


Additionally…students need to understand that the final version of the EE is handed in BEFORE the viva voce. No changes can be made to the EE after the viva voce.

How does a Supervisor Prepare for the Viva Voce?

While the viva voce is not graded, it informs the supervisor's comment. Supervisors should:

  • read the student's final Extended Essay

  • prepare a few reflective questions that can help the student articulate their research process, challenges faced, and how they overcame them

  • consider asking about how the student has grown as a learner through this process

Here are some possible topics to discuss:

  • Did the EE journey change the students' approach to reading and embracing literature, biology, film, etc.?  

  • Has evaluating their topic made them look at the world differently?  

  • What ATL skills have they used/acquired (to what extent) throughout the process?  

  • Were their original plans/ideas realistic and appropriate?  

  • What do they think your successes were in this process?  

  • What was the most rewarding aspect of the entire process?  

  • How will this experience prepare them for future work of this nature (in college or employment?)

Overall, the viva voce is designed to enhance the educational experience of the Extended Essay, encouraging students to engage in critical reflection and articulate their learning and research journey in a structured, supportive setting. An important take-away is that the viva voce is a CELEBRATION of learning. It is an opportunity to CELEBRATE the student completing their EE journey. For some students, this journey was arduous, yet they completed it! This is cause for celebration! Ensure that the viva voce ends on a positive note and congratulate the student for being one step closer to their DP diploma!